Pour en savoir plus sur le BPM, BPMS, BAM et autres acronymes BP***
- Wikipedia: L'encyclopedie communautaire
- Business Process Management Initiative: Proche de l'OMG, ils jouent un rôle clef dans la standardisation et la diffusion du BPM comme la norme de-facto pour la gestion de processus.
- BPM Institute: Site d'échange pour professionnels avec une solide base de connaissance sur les solutions actuelles.
- bpms.info: Portail (en français!) source pour de nombreux articles et études sur le domaine BPM (et pas seulement BPMS contrairement à ce que son nom indique).
Thomas H. Davenport - Lessons from history: [Process Management] has been a bit immature, coming and going in various forms as a management fad. This does not mean that there is no value to the concept but rather that managers and firms may have latched onto the more fashionable, short-term elements of the approach instead of the more timeless ones.
john Jeston & Johan Nelis - BPM is not a panacae: An organization may have the best, most efficient and effective, business process in the world, but unless they have a product or service that customers desire and demand, then "who cares". Having said this, having sensational buisness processes will provide an opportunity for competitve advantage.
'Inside the Midmarket: A 2009 Perspective' commissioned by IBM - Midsize companies have been the engines of economic growth fueling a smarter planet for a long time. To continue that path to success, midsize businesses must embrace new and better ways of doing business.
Autres définitions
- BPM: Ensemble des méthodes et outils permettant d'analyser, mesurer, optimiser et piloter les processus mis en œuvre au sein d'une organisation.
- Business processes define how an organization operates by managing the interactions between corporate resources (humans, tools and systems), customers and partners. Competitive advantage lies in the ability to have business processes adapted quickly and efficiently with minimal time and cost in an always changing environment.
- Scott Cleveland: BPM is not about complexity. It is not about software. And, it is not about SOA [service oriented architecture]. BPM can simply be defined as the art or science of managing business processes.