Pour en savoir plus sur le BPM, BPMS, BAM et autres acronymes BP***

Thomas H. Davenport - Lessons from history: [Process Management] has been a bit immature, coming and going in various forms as a management fad. This does not mean that there is no value to the concept but rather that managers and firms may have latched onto the more fashionable, short-term elements of the approach instead of the more timeless ones.

john Jeston & Johan Nelis - BPM is not a panacae: An organization may have the best, most efficient and effective, business process in the world, but unless they have a product or service that customers desire and demand, then "who cares". Having said this, having sensational buisness processes will provide an opportunity for competitve advantage.

'Inside the Midmarket: A 2009 Perspective' commissioned by IBM - Midsize companies have been the engines of economic growth fueling a smarter planet for a long time. To continue that path to success, midsize businesses must embrace new and better ways of doing business.

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